Small Group seeks solutions to Big problems
The Salisbury Summit was held this past weekend, March 9th. It was at the beautiful mountain home of a Greenwich attorney in Salisbury, CT.
Participants presented plans to lead the U.S. into an era of post-exceptionalism.
The Davos World Economic Forum was held January 25th.
A leading Communist representative who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “These summits are always productive on many levels. Ideas to solve important issue confronting mankind. It is often useful to speak louder and to interrupt people who are off my personal narrative and beliefs. Often I just raise my voice in a forceful manner.
Other participants offered effective techniques for communicating new ideas and staying on message. Completely ignore information and facts other people introduce and speak over them.
“We had plenty of opinions, attitude and liquor. We can accomplish great things if we can agree to speak at the same time, in very loud voices.”
The discussion bore deeper into the practicalities of solutions. Participants felt facts and intelligence became impediments. Especially for progress of broader ideas and philosophical underpinnings. “Factual knowledge and intelligence is overrated. Pound the table and chant, Lock her up.”
A few detractors of the Salisbury Summit dismissed the conference accomplishments. “These guys are total a**holes, louts, and drunks who love the sound of their own voices”
Summit participants offered. “There are few things more enjoyable than expressing your opinions incoherently and forcefully. While you insult your gracious hosts politics. And enjoy his generous offerings of hospitality, fine wines and liquors. That’s what makes America great, again.”
The date for the spring summit has not been set but all confirmed.
“We may disagree on some issues but we all agree that the summit’s work and progress is too important not to build on. “ We are not selfish people. We refuse to deprive people of our wisdom, knowledge and perspective. We must consider future generations.”
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”